£1 Days

Come and join us for just £1 per person per activity!

Swim, Rackets, Spa and Gym

Venue: All Centres
Dates: 20th July & 17th August

Swim, rackets, spa and gym for just £1 per person per activity.

Health Commitment Statement to be completed prior to use of the gym. Non-member must complete gym familiarisation before if using the gym.

Subject to availability and booking required for some activities.

Healthy Living Centre
t: 01246 345 666
Mon to Fri: 6.30am to 10pm
Sat: 8am to 6pm
Sun: 9am to 8pm

Queen’s Park Sports Centre
t: 01246 345 555
Mon to Fri: 6.30am to 10pm
Sat to Sun: 8am to 8pm

Call us now